
Happy New Year Everyone!  I hope this year proves to be your best yet.  I myself am making some pretty drastic changes as far as my music goes.  I have decided to significantly cut back on my regular commitments, for many reasons.  For one, I am still struggling with my vocal health, which in itself has been a struggle mentally and physically.  But I am recently discovering the positives that come with finding more balance in my life and truly abiding by my limits.  By gigging less I will hopefully overcome all of my vocal issues, as I have never gigged so much in the 9 years I’ve been performing, and finally find time again for writing.  Writing music was and will be again a huge passion of mine.  It has been 2 years since my last album.  I also look forward to having  more time for other opportunities i.e. weddings, original music gigs, etc.

I am writing to say thank you for supporting me, coming out to gigs, requesting music, and more importantly for showing an interest in what I love to do, perform.

I will still be gigging at both VinciTorio’s and Vintage 95, but instead of 4 nights a week I am cutting back to 2: Wednesdays at VinciTorio’s from 6pm-8:30pm and Thursdays at Vintage 95 from 6:30pm-9:30pm.  I am so grateful to both restaurants for their constant loyalty and understanding.

It feels good to finally recognize my need for balance.  May you find yours in 2013.

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